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Farming Field

Our History

WestLink Ag was formed in January 2000 through the merger of two established, agricultural input buying groups – IDEA in the Pacific Northwest and Fert-I-Chem in California, primarily focused in western US agriculture.


Today, WestLink Ag is comprised of 45 Independent Agricultural Retailers, with over 200 satellite locations covering the entire US – 48 contiguous states, and Canada.  Our member companies comprise over $1.5 billion in agricultural inputs across our footprint.


The primary objective of WestLink Ag is to represent members in the procurement and strategic direction pertaining to Fertilizers, Agri-chemicals and other important agriculture input technologies.


WestLink Ag also provides its members with unique programs in grower financing, vehicle leasing, insurance, data management, regulatory guidance and targeted technology transfer.


Our members combine the knowledge and experience of over 400 licensed agronomists and hundreds more in support roles, all of whom work hard to advance and balance the needs of their customers to ensure innovative, productive and environmentally sound agricultural practices.

Our Mission

Cement a centralized and substantiated position for our Independent Ag Retail Members through the identification of solid business opportunities and development of strategic supplier relationships, aligning technology & service with our members’ market and geographic expertise.

Our Vision

Independent Ag Retailers, like the growers they serve, are the core of agriculture innovation in North America.  Our members offer their growers technological and commercial solutions that best enhance their farm productivity, streamline operating efficiency and best ensure a strong environment for all.

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